Engineering Insights

The Flat Bar Tubular Heaters are one of the newest product lines for the TUTCO Conductive Group but are undoubtedly among the most versatile.
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There are many unusual, mostly unknown, and sometimes silly units of measure that exist. Some are used in specific fields of interest, and some are obsolete or too foolish to be taken seriously.
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At TUTCO, we don’t want to be just a vendor but an integral part of our customer’s teams. Working with us allows customers to receive products and services tailored to their specific needs.
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Sometimes heaters can be operated at a voltage that’s different from what they’re designed for. Sometimes they cannot. Learn the consequences of applying a voltage to a heater that’s different from what’s marked on it.
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At TUTCO-Farnam, the majority of our custom-designed heaters use mica board machined to meet the customer’s specifications.
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TUTCO received a unique request from a customer seeking tubular heating elements for electric branding irons designed for wood and leather applications.
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TUTCO was approached by a customer with a unique requirement for heaters to be integrated into portable equipment designed for honey harvesting in remote areas where beekeepers manage their hives.
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