Tutco HT Mica Band Heater Fits Textile Manufacturer Nicely

By Jeff Elrod | May 08, 2024

A high-volume garment manufacturer using a large heated fabric press to mold and form accessories faced a challenge with the Mica Band heaters used in the press. Downtime was an issue as they had no spare parts heaters on hand and the company that manufactured the press, as well as the heaters, was not domestic and no customer support from either company was readily available. To make the situation even worse, the design of the heater was very complex with two heating zones, a large cutout, and multiple mounting holes. 

The garment company sent the failed heater to us at TUTCO where we reverse engineered it. Working with the customer, we created a more robust design that delivered greater reliability with a custom-designed HT Mica Band Heater. We also worked to expedite the process to minimize downtime for the customer. TUTCO’s HT Mica Band solution delivers an efficient production line with little to no downtime, spare parts on hand and a ready source for additional parts.